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internet portal to C. Clark Kissinger,
the "Rebel Without a Pause

Active supporter of SNCC (1960)
Co-founder of POLIT, University of Chicago (1961)
Joined Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) (1962)
Chairman of the Wisconsin Socialist Club, U. of Wisc. (1963)
National Secretary of SDS (1964-65)
Attended Southern Student Organizing Committee conference (1964)
Organized the first March on Washington Against the Vietnam War (1965)
Spoke at anti-war rally in Madison Square Garden (1965)
Anti-war candidate for Alderman, Chicago (1967)
Chaired nat'l conference of the Student Mobilization Committee (1968)
Attended Lake Villa Conference to plan demos at the DNC (1968)
Organized anti-war march through downtown Chicago (1968)
Covered the Chicago Police Riots for the National Guardian (1968)
Attended Hemispheric Conference to End War in Vietnam (1968)
Testified in the Chicago Eight Conspiracy Trial (1969)
Attended national RYM-II conference in Atlanta (1969)
Worked closely with the Black Panther Party in Chicago (1968-1971)
Attended the Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention (1970)
Visited China during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1972, 1975)
Vice-Chairman, U.S.-China Peoples' Friendship Association (1974)
Supported Bob Avakian's work to build a real communist party in the U.S.
Led delegation to Tehran during the 1979 seizure of the U.S. Embassy
Organized national conference on the nature of the Soviet Union (1983)
Went to Germany in late 1983 to protest new U.S. nuclear missiles
An initiator of No Business As Usual in 1985
Was a founder of Refuse & Resist! in 1987
Co-founder of the Washington, DC, abortion clinic defense
Organized the first national conference against the "War on Drugs" (1989)
Worked to defend prisoners of the 1992 Los Angeles Rebellion
Contributing writer for the Revolution newspaper
Organized first Philly Freedom Summer in 1995 to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
Organized national conference in 2000 to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
Served 3-month federal sentence for a speech outside the 2000 RNC
Coordinator of the 2002 "Not In Our Name" statement of conscience
Initiated 2004 demonstrations at Supreme Ct on "enemy combatant" cases
An initiator of the campaign to Drive Out the Bush Regime (2005)
Convener of the Int'l Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity
       Committed by the Bush Administration of the United States (2006)
Organized demonstration of waterboarding outside the Justice Dept (2007)
Organized emergency town hall meeting against Israeli attack on Gaza (2009)
Business manager of Revolution Books NYC (2014-2021)
Volunteer staff Revolution Books NYC (2022- )
Follower of Bob Avakian and supporter of the New Communism



While many burned their draft cards to protest the war, Clark mailed his to the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam. Clark's draft board was not amused and invited him in for a chat. "The bottom line is this: are you willing to fight in Vietnam?" the draft official asked. "Yes, I am," Clark replied. "Just not on your side!" As the result Clark was reclassified I-A and given an induction order. They expected that Clark would either refuse induction and be sent to prison, or that he would flee the country.

They were wrong. Clark showed up for induction with a large group of supporters and a five-piece band playing "Over There." Inside, Clark gave speeches to the inductees against the war and exasperated officials finally kicked him out of the induction center. Some weeks later, Clark received a new draft card in the mail, with classification I-Y. What's I-Y mean? It means "You are not entitled to any draft exemption. You are not entitled to any draft deferment. But we don't want you!"

Clark says:
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Get into Bob Avakian, the revolutionary leader who is the architect of a whole new framework of human emancipation, the new synthesis of communism, which is popularly referred to as the "new communism."

Start with this 3-part interview:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

The key books to read: